
Find out more about our range of workshops below.

Charles Whitaker Changes Workshops

Charles Whitaker Changes run an array of corporate workshops designed to optimise performance and the health of your teams. Workshops may be presented over a half day, full day, or lunch and learn session. Find out more about the workshops below. Typically workshops are held over Zoom or Teams.

Teamwork Workshop

Team Building

When you see a sports team  play well then we can appreciate how many players worked together to make that happen. Likewise, when we see a team work together poorly, then it can be frustrating to see how individual contributions add up to nothing.

This workshop is based on experience gathered over many hours of one-to-one work with this process. Attendees will be able to come together in a way where they start to perform effectively and efficiently as they recognise their own internal position in relation to other colleagues.

Resilience Workshop


The world creates uncertainty and stress in all of us so that to survive and thrive we need to grow our resilience.

This workshop available as a lunch and learn, as a half day and a complete day workshop is designed to assist anyone who would benefit from developing their resilience to day-to-day stressors.

mental health workshop

Mental Health

All organisations have a duty of care to support employees under Health and safety laws. Can you spot the signs that someone is struggling with their mental health?

This is a tailor-made one-day awareness programme designed to give attendees a first level of awareness of what to look for.

mindfulness workshop


Mindfulness has a lot to offer us in terms of reducing stress, improving well-being, and improving emotional resilience.

Attendees will notice an immediate benefit but, more importantly, be able to practice this simple process by themselves to find their own internal quiet space.

Presentation Skills Workshop

Presentation Skills

Fear of public speaking is reputed to be worse than the fear of death for many. It is reported that up to 30% of the public have this fear and education level has no relevance.

Breathing Workshop


Breathing is a neglected skill which can be developed for good health, for managing menopause more effectively and for aiding recovery from Long Covid.

The workshops focus on how breathing can be used to affect our body’s ability to recover and restore good health,

smoking cessation workshop

Smoking Cessation

Do you know how much smoking is costing your business? Regular smoking breaks and smoking-related illnesses cost your business money. 

After attending this smoking cessation workshop, smokers will leave non-smokers, saving their health and money while benefiting the business as well – Everyone’s a winner. 

healthy eating workshop

Healthy Eating

Being overweight and eating unhealthy foods contribute to poor physical health. They underlie poor emotional health and contribute, in turn to poor performance.

This workshop helps attendees think about their triggers and encourages them to make healthy choices, making it easy and second nature to make healthy choices.

Imposted Syndrome Workshop

Imposter Syndrome

A large percentage of the population struggle with imposter syndrome in their life, believing that they are not actually worthy of any success they achieve; they have just been lucky. They believe they will eventually be found out as a fraud. 

This holds people back from achieving their full potential and is detrimental to their mental health and productivity. This workshop equips them with the skills to overcome these thoughts. 

find the hero within workshop

Find The Hero Within

We all have a hero or heroine inside of us. Our performance relies on us finding and working from a deep place of empowerment. We all have a hero inside of us, just waiting to be awakened.

This workshop will show participants their archetype, allowing them to understand themselves on a deeper level. Attendees get to work with their own empowering archetype to support them on their journey through life.



If you would like a workshop that focuses around your specific needs that isn’t mentioned here please get in touch as one of the Associates may be able to assist in creating something directly in line with your specific needs.

Reach Us

Have a query or would like to chat with us? You can use the details below or fill in the message box to the right. 

0208 242 4041

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